How often should you be washing your sheets?


It may seem like an arduous chore, but washing your sheets regularly is a sure way of maintaining hygiene in the bedroom. Not only does this give you a mood boost, but it also can help you banish skin problems like acne and reduce dust, or even illness.

 According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation, washing your sheets at least once a fortnight can help you control indoor allergens like pet hair, dust mites and pollen. This not only reduces surface dirt (think of the build-up of makeup, sweat or dead skin) but gives your sheets a thorough clean from any other nasties that could be lurking, like bed bugs. There is no set rule about how often you should be washing your sheets, but a rule of thumb could be weekly or fortnightly – any longer than that and you’re risking a spike in allergies or bed bugs. A study conducted in the UK revealed that only 55% of people wash their sheets every week, 21% do it every one or two months, 3% change their sheets every six months and 3% wash only once a year. Sound like you? We want to change that.

When washing your sheets, make sure you include your bottom and top sheets, quilt cover and all the pillows that are slept with, disregarding decorative pillows if they are removed before sleeping. When you’re ready to wash, make sure you follow the washing instructions on the tag. Hang them on a clotheshorse or drying rack or cool tumble dry.

If you live in a hotter climate, or during the summer months, make sure you clean the underlays of your bedding too – mattress protectors, pillow protectors and decorative pillows at least every three to six months. Although it may not seem as important as washing your sheets every fortnight, this still allows the build-up of dust and debris to subside.

Getting that stuffy feeling when climbing into bed? The best way to fix that is of course washing! We suggest having a clean set of bedding on hand, so you don’t have to wash, dry and prepare your bed on the same day ­– after all, lots of people see it as a chore! If you can, aim to get up early and pop your sheets in the wash to get that mid-morning sunshine, and bring them in after 3pm – this stops them from getting cold or damp in the afternoon.

Plus, we know there is no better feeling than climbing into bed after a hard day at work with fresh sheets.

 So, whip out your washing machine or head to a dry cleaner and get washing! Your skin will thank you for it.

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