Lived In & Loved – Zoe Gilpin, The DIY Decorator

Image via Pencil Shavings Studio

This month we chat with Zoe Gilpin from The DIY Decorator, as she shares her favourite lived in and loved item and takes us through her beautiful bedroom in Perth.

Can you tell me about The DIY Decorator and what you do?

I am a qualified Interior Decorator with over 15 years experience in the industry. These days I run The DIY Decorator which is all about inspiring the everyday home decorator with affordable home decorating tips and ideas.

How would you describe your home decorating style?

I am a very cohesive decorator. I am a big fan of repeating tones and patterns throughout interior spaces so that they all flow on nicely from each other. I like a neutral palette filled with plenty of texture; lots of white, beige and green tones, paired with plenty of indoor plants.

What’s your favourite part of your bedroom?

Our bed! We have the most comfortable mattress which is heaven! I love layering it with beautiful bedding to make it extra cosy and inviting! It's hard to get out of it some days.

How do you relax and unwind?

Either a couch day binging Netflix or a day at the beach or park with the kids.

How do you create a work/life balance?

Working for myself does make it hard to know when to stop working and give time to the other areas in my life. I try to delegate a few hours a day to my work, leaving most of it for time with my kids, housework etc. I also make sure I'm not working on weekends. That's family time.

How have you styled Tahiti Tan – and why were you drawn to it?

It was love at first sight with the Tahiti Tan! My kind of colours and the leaf pattern fits right in amongst my plants and dried arrangements around my home. I'm not usually a lover of a pattern on our bed, but with the soft tones of this cover, it really adds some dimension and interest to the space.

What’s your lived-in and loved item – can you tell me why it’s so important to you?

My item is a ring which belonged to my Pop. Quite a funny story but a piece that means a lot to me. In his younger days, my pop gave a girlfriend an inscribed ring which she gave back after they broke up. My Pop held on to it and when he had kids, gave it to my mum. Who like me, loved it very much. We sadly lost my Pop in an accident when I was 11. My Mum gave me the ring as a way to remember him. And I've always worn it. These days, close to my heart on a chain around my neck.

Can you share a bedroom styling tip?

Invest in good quality pillows and quilt insert. They instantly give any bedding a more luxe look, whilst also being extra comfy at bed time! I am a big fan of high loft quilt inserts and duck feather (or faux duck feather) pillows.

Check out Zoe’s work on Instagram here

Lived in & Loved DIY Decorator Zoe Gilpin
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